To the Vicomte du Peloux
2ème Régiment Étranger,
Bon C. 1ère Cie.,
3ème Son.,
Feb. 16, 1915.
Dear Sir:
I received your letter four days ago, for which I thank you very much.
I am well and getting along fine and have no right to complain of anything. I came back last night for repose, after four days at the front. They were uneventful, but a little uncomfortable, owing to the snow and rain.
In regard to my wants—I have been very lucky throughout the winter in having plenty of all necessities. However, I should like for you to send me some of the little luxuries we cannot get here at the front. I should also appreciate it very much if you could send me an English and French grammar, as my small knowledge of the French language has proved quite a handicap to me at times. What I desire is a beginner’s grammar; in other words, one used by first-year students. I have very little spare time, but think I can find enough to do some studying.
We all look forward to the coming of spring, when we hope to advance and bring France victory.
Again thanking you and your wife for your interest in me,
Sincerely yours,
Kiffin Y. Rockwell.